Frankie DuPont and the Science Fair Sabotage
12/31/2015 17:00
Frankie DuPont and the Science Fair Sabatage is the hirs book in the Frankie DuPont Series by Julie Anne Grasso. This is a mystery of who sabatoged a chip from a robot from a submission in the Scienci Fair. This mystery brings Sherlock,Frankie, Kat , and Amy to Elderbury Manor to solve the mystery.With the help of Mr. Dupont they use metal detectors to attempt to find the the missing chip. The stakes are high. the prize from this Science Fair is huge. The children end up having to use good old fashioned detectivework to solve the case. I'll not spoil the story for you. This is a great bookfor children 8 through 11. I was given a copy of this book in ecchange for an honest review.