Welcome to my web sites
This is a web site I started several years ago. I "lost" my original site when I changed passwords. I hope I can retrieve it at some point. I had important dates and events there. Well to tell you a little about myself: I have a degenerative bone disease that affects my neck, back, and arms tremendously. I am going to be shopping for a scooter. Walking is becoming too painful. I love to read books and write reviews. You will see some of those here.I had several others on my original page. Writing reviews is becoming more difficult. I will NOT give it up. I have severe neuropthy in my hands and feet. I have to watch my fingers now, but oh well, it's just a thing! I have a Master's Degree in Special Ed and a Bachelors in Elementary Ed. I taught for 11 years. My computer crashed and well..that's another story. I also love to crochet and sew. I don't do as much of that I used to. I have 4 grown children, 8 grandchildren, and a crazy cat named Greasy. I hope you enjoy your visit!